ASPEXIT BLOG DOSSIER – Consideration of a move to a paid mode

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Hello to all the readers!

First of all, thank you very much if you read this post, it means that you visit this blog more or less regularly =) That’s already a good thing!

You are nearly 300 visitors to spend daily on this blog. For rather technical and niche topics that revolve around digital agriculture, this is quite satisfying to say the least!

Until now, the files I write have been made freely available on my blog. Making these files accessible to everyone was a very strong desire on my part and I am happy to have kept this line of action. The files are read and appreciated. I receive a lot of very positive feedback from these files. Some people even ask me to meet again by phone or video to discuss them.

That being said, I have to admit that this investment (in terms of visibility and skills development) does not live up to expectations in terms of income generated afterwards. The Tipee funding platform that I added a while ago is almost not fed. I naively thought that readers would leave a little something after reading and/or using these files. This is not the case…

So I’m seriously thinking about putting these folders in paying mode, maybe leaving the first few pages open for reading

I am therefore relying on you, through the following questionnaire, to know if you would be ready to pay for these files, either for single files, or for a monthly/yearly subscription

If you prefer to open the questionnaire in a separate page : CLICK HERE

If you want to answer the questionnaire, it’s here – you can answer in the comments of the blog too!

Don’t forget that you can subscribe to the blog newsletter =)

Thanks in advance for your answers,

See you soon,


Soutenez Agriculture et numérique – Blog Aspexit sur Tipeee
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