Agricultural weather insurance undergoing reform

For most of us, insurance is not a very sexy subject to begin with; it makes many people cringe! I don’t know many people who enjoy contacting their insurer – except when something goes wrong – or dealing with their insurance contracts. But we still have a more or less close relationship with the insurance Read more about Agricultural weather insurance undergoing reform[…]

Profil de sol Agriculture de Conservation Aspexit

When soil conservation agriculture meets digital and precision agriculture

Foreword Here we are again for a new survey and monitoring work! Here, we promise to leave Ecophyto and the wine industry alone and to focus on an equally exciting subject: soil conservation agriculture. Why? Well, why not… An uncle who is a fervent advocate of conservation agriculture, a natural curiosity about a domain that Read more about When soil conservation agriculture meets digital and precision agriculture[…]

Suivi de l'action climatique - projections de réchauffement

The race for carbon in agriculture (2): a look back at COP26 in Glasgow

COP26 in Glasgow has passed. It is therefore time to add some information to the agricultural carbon dossier that I published at the beginning of summer 2021. In this dossier, I spoke at length about carbon storage in agricultural soils and I also introduced at some length notions about the carbon markets in place. This Read more about The race for carbon in agriculture (2): a look back at COP26 in Glasgow[…]

Limites des standards et de l'intéropérabilité en agriculture

Standards and data exchange in agriculture

All of our sciences and fields of work abound with norms, standards, and exchange formats. Agriculture is no exception to this (you will find in the appendix a list of organizations and institutions closely or remotely involved in standardization in agriculture). We need to exchange, collaborate, share data and information, so we need to speak Read more about Standards and data exchange in agriculture[…]

Le géo positionnementven agriculture

Geo-positioning in agriculture

As you are no doubt aware, geo-positioning has been a particularly powerful lever for many agricultural applications and crop itineraries. But are you clear on the extent of geo-positioning systems, tools and methods? If you’re French, you should be crazy about abbreviations – so hang on : GPS, GNSS, EGNOS, DOP, TTF, SBAS, LBAS, WAAS, Read more about Geo-positioning in agriculture[…]

Coordinate reference systems

If there is one subject that is neglected when working with spatialized data, it is the reference coordinate system. In general, we try to spend as little time as possible on the subject – often because it’s not very clear – and assume that we have collected our data in a super coordinate system or Read more about Coordinate reference systems[…]

Yield maps in Precision Agriculture

This post should have been published a long time ago, especially since it was the subject of my thesis. It’s now done… First of all, one might ask why a thesis work was proposed on yield data when yield sensors have been around since the 1990s? First, it is clear that yield information is in Read more about Yield maps in Precision Agriculture[…]